homogenius: for GLBTQ people ages 13-25
You can get it right the first time.
Homogenius exists to ensure that GLBTQ people ages 13-25 are aware of and take advantage of life opportunities through pragmatic education, information, and social events. Our objectives include developing and implementing a complete series of self-selected educational courses, along with ensuring members receive recognition for completion of courses in such areas as:
Financial. Use credit. Buy a home, car. Save. Invest.
Relationships. Find one that works for you.
Education. GLBTQ positive schools. Hot college majors. Focused Learning.
Community Involvement. Take a little. Give a little.
Civic. Make and stop laws. Hold office.
Religion. Recognize the bigots from the brethren.
Career. Find something you love doing.
Health. It's only your body and your brain--make them better. Safe sex. Find a doctor.
Fitness. Body image. Eating right and wrong. Alcohol, drugs.
Sports. Life is a team game, don't let straight kids have all the fun.
Relaxing. Do it well. You'll love it.
With regard to the disciplines, Homogenius would be similiar in structure to "scout merit badges"--except discipline proficiency would be more reality-based and geared toward making a homogenius a happy, successful participant in society. (As you can see from the list above, we don't care if a "homogenius" can start a fire with two sticks, but we do want you to excel at life and give back to the community.) Although similar in structure, Homogenius is not similar in principle to an organization such as the Boy Scouts of America. Thousands of groups (religious, fraternal, collegiate, sporting) favor heterosexuals and often publicly exclude homosexuals and bisexuals.
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